Locations Gallery
Searching for the right location?
Gwinnett's Location Hub gallery is a constantly updated gallery of possible film-friendly locations. However, there are numerous other filming locations not yet on the gallery. If there is a location you are searching for - please contact Lisa Anders at 404.849.8996 for assistance.
Interested in Listing Your Home?
If you would like your Gwinnett home, business or property considered, please send digital photos to lisa@exploregwinnett.org or by utilizing SmugMug. We will review your photos and, if approved, your property will be added to our location photo database. All locations are accessible by the general public and can be downloaded by location managers after signing in. Please do not submit any “private” spaces or photos showcasing personal valuables.
Provide a good photo overview of your property, showing what it looks like today.
Shoot multiple angles, and include a wider street view so we can see how your property “sits” within its surroundings.
Shoot wide where possible so we can get a sense how large the property or room is. Make sure images are properly rotated before submission.
If submitting a home, business or other building, include interior and exterior shots. If interior shooting is not allowed, please make note of this!
Concentrate on unique features of your property. For house interiors, a few shots of main rooms (kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, etc.) are sufficient. Excessive photos of every bedroom, bathroom, pantry or closet are not needed.
Professionally shot photos are not required, but dark, out-of-focus or outdated photos will not be accepted.
You must be the actual owner of the property and/or have the authority to lease it for production. Our database is not intended for agents to market properties for sale.
If particular types of film/TV content or budget levels are not of interest, please make note of this in the “usage restriction” field.
All submitted locations are for potential use as shooting locations, not lodging/accommodations.
Staged photos highlighting people, pets or objects are generally not accepted. Headshots are not accepted.
Do not submit video clips, renderings, or brochures – just photos of the actual locations.
If the property is due to be sold or drastically remodeled in the very near future, please advise prior to photo submission.
Submit larger, monitor quality photos. Suggested sizing guidelines:
150 dpi or higher
File size between 1MB – 3 MB
1680 X 1054 resolution (or higher) for large size web browsing
Physical photo size: 8.5″ X 11
It is so exciting when a Hollywood production comes to your neighborhood. It feels glamorous, with famous actors and directors popping up around the area and fans lining the…