Tired of the same old lunch everyday? Usually, going out to a dine-in restaurant for lunch can be hard on your wallet. With the growing number of Korean restaurants around Gwinnett with lunch specials, you can now enjoy a hot restaurant quality meal for under $7. 678 Korean BBQ on Satellite Blvd is well known for their grilled meats and platters. Recently, they added a limited lunch menu with three classics for lunch that are sure to leave you satisfied and without being too hard on the bank account.

Diners have a choice of three popular dishes: galbi tang, a beef short rib soup, wooguhji galbi tang, a slightly spicy beef short rib soup with cabbage, or yookgaejang, a red hot soup with slices of flank steak. All three come with rice and a number of side dishes to round out your meal. The soups are warm and flavorful providing nutrients in a rich broth that is perfect for a hot summer day. Koreans believe that this is the best way to restore salts and vitamins lost while perspiring in the summer. After this meal, you are sure to feel recharged and ready to conquer the rest of your work day. 

For busy parents with kids, 678 BBQ also has a terrific kids play room with toys and videos on a large TV screen. Parents will definitely enjoy a meal in peace without having to worry about the children. 

A full menu of grilled items is also available for those wanting something heavier or just craving a full course BBQ midday. In any case, you are sure to leave full and happy. Be sure to stop in and take advantage of the terrific lunch specials any day of the week during lunch.